Healthy joints allow the body to bend, turn, and do other activities. Maintaining joints can be done by getting a good posture, completing nutritional needs, and active movement. Joint is an area between two bones. This body part is located in several places, such as fingers, elbows, wrists, shoulders, spine, jaw, pelvis, groin, knees, feet, and between the sternum and collarbone. Joints generally consist of connective tissue and cartilage, along with synovial fluid that functions as a lubrication. Joints have an important function, namely connecting bones so that body parts can move. In fact, injury and aging can wear out the cartilage, causing reactions that can damage the joints and cause arthritis. Knowing the crucial function of the joints, it is no exaggeration to say that this one part of the body must be cared for and kept in good health to keep functioning properly. The trick is to do the following steps. Maintain Ideal Body Weight Being overweight puts extra pressure o...